In a heartwarming gesture that left them stunned, Jason Kelce, along with his wife Kylie and their son Wyatt, received an unexpected package from none...
In a captivating revelation on a live podcast, Jason Kelce, renowned NFL player, shared his plans to extend generous offers to Philadelphia Eagles fans around...
In an exclusive report, it has been revealed that NFL star Travis Kelce and pop sensation Taylor Swift employed an unconventional method to keep children...
In a momentous announcement that has set the internet abuzz, Taylor Swift’s beloved cat, Olivia Benson, has given birth to six precious kittens. ...
In a momentous announcement that marks the end of an era for the Kansas City Chiefs, legendary Head Coach Andy Reid has declared his retirement...
In a surprising turn of events, Taylor Swift was spotted at Lambeau Field, nestled within the confines of a private box, alongside none other than...
Former Eagles’ center, Jason Kelce, invited fans to join the Eagles Autism Challenge as World Autism Month started this Monday. Eagles Official X account shared...
Travis and pop superstar girlfriend Taylor Swift were both named among the nominees for this year´s Webby Awards, recognizing the best internet content and creators....
Kelce and Swift no doubt took part in the family’s annual Easter egg hunt – an Easter tradition that Swift has always enthusiastically embraced. ...
Philadelphia Eagles’ veteran center, Jason Kelce, and his wife, Kylie Kelce, celebrated their enduring love in a heartfelt vow renewal ceremony that captured the hearts...